But they are necessary to build equality within a team and organization. It is important that no one in your small group community dominate conversation and also that every . In the 1970s, a model for understanding managing conflict was created and from it the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) was born. Convey a sense of self-importance or superiority. Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. Forsyth, D .Group Dynamics. She may have agreed to sponsor particular ideas that are important to her group, but she may still have her own opinions as well, especially in other areas. We will use theGround Rules below for our discussion group. Here are some common problems with suggestions for how to deal with them. Often people do this unconsciously because they feel that the meeting isn't relevant for them."Be present, or be elsewhere" is a good meeting guidelines to establish shared awareness and clear expectations one participants. Become familiar with the purpose and content of the discussion. Part of your job here is to protect minority rights, i.e., unpopular or unusual ideas. . Ko=jmc X2AH#AP15n$WTtVkV^/ UG:Ewn=5:_je=u{JBb(MkT7}{JZ}iwBM~?Io) +2wQR0!4B+*+2HT(KCZZ[7 OMUnuSN?eR8GV^Rg5)r,c}^`}I E{?Nt ;zroW,DCx0liO'/&wML0XPrcJts[5;]2^lL`cbcbEKeiVRDX]q. Discussion prompts may include: . Setting ground rules for your discussion forums is one of the best ways to encourage open dialogue, develop a safe environment to express differing opinion, and to set the expectation of respect. this discussion guide focuses primarily on the . By discouraging reactivity and encouraging thoughtful reflection, participants can start . Encouraging others to add their reactions or ideas to build on someones comment. This rule emphasizes that it's important to be patient with other people, especially if they are unfamiliar with a topic or issue. Usually, that means comfortable furniture that can be moved around (so that, for instance, the group can form a circle, allowing everyone to see and hear everyone else easily). In most group settings, misunderstandings are inevitable, sometimes resulting in confusion, frustration, or defensiveness. Asking follow-up questions, and paraphrasing the comments for everyone to ponder. The sound of water from the mill stream rushing by put everyone at ease, and encouraged creative thought. "Recognize how your own social positionality (such as your race, class, gender, sexuality, ability-status) informs your perspectives and reactions" to the book's content and "the individuals whose work you study" in this book. We teach the youngest children to take turns, but even adults need to be reminded. (8th edition). Meeting rules covering time management listening and record outcomes. Did you feel like a valuable member of the team? Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. E.L.M.O stands for "Enough, let's move on" and can be established as a meeting rule to cut unnecessary discussions. Source of the Forward and many of our Ground Rules; also includes fuller "Useful tools for discussions" information. There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. When people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. A politician convenes a town hall meeting of constituents to brainstorm ideas for the economic development of the region. This group is not intended as "Diversity 101" training. 40 Form-Time Discussion Starters. A group of two or three generally doesn't need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. In the latter case, you may have the chance to choose a space and otherwise structure the situation. Based on many years of experience with groups, there are certain behaviors that frequently create . s UY8+/W~=jn]y+-S>z=)^w}7UO0E70N!T Vd5[Ic|0R>>SZ *}:?4I5u4O3rWoP^9Ax9ktC'g)FybD^C[40#B1{RXOQ7zKt;c[4y%]:RUYQSBC2F@)]R.6)5fh_LmKLQ #(A-)(Lhpi Y8z012-:'5J-X'%F'B^5V"vAj The complete guide to facilitation. Find out the kind of topics that are given at the institution or company you are applying for. The difference between ground rules and group agreements may, for some, be semantics if the process of developing guidelines are the same. Undiscussable issues are those issues that are on everyones mind, but no one is able to bring them forwards. End on time. Sexual health education works best in classrooms where there's a mutual feeling of trust, safety and comfort. Establishing this as a ground rule highlights that participants can suggest on their own when to place something on the parking lot in order to keep the meeting on track and on time. Use headphones or a headset. If you have time to prepare beforehand, there are a number of things you may be able to do to make the participants more comfortable, and thus to make discussion easier. ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate. As instructors, offer points for participating in conversations. Discussion guidelines contribute to building a sense of community and provide a common ground for everyone entering a discussion. What's said at group stays at group. Tips on university teaching, but much of the information is useful in other circumstances as well. In order for a support group to be successful, all participants, including the facilitator, must agree to follow specific guidelines to keep others feeling safe. If you paraphrase what someone else said, verify with them afterwards that you Bring materials to help the discussion along. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing (I instead of they, we, and you). Especially if most people in the group dont know one another, its your job as leader to establish a comfortable atmosphere and set the tone for the discussion. We willmodify these as a group to meet DEI needs. 12 Ground Rules for Online Discussions Participate: This is a shared learning environment. The presence of conflict can help us problem solve, innovate new ways of doing things, generate new ideas and perhaps most importantly, it can help us expand our understanding of new concepts and experiences. Those rules were and still are necessary for. Services. Work begins long before you sit for the group discussion. Ground rules should be sufficient but not excessive. Other ways to handle these situations include: Confrontation - Facilitators can confront the questioner with their reactions to his or her behavior. This is particularly true when it comes to group discussion, where the process is, in fact, the purpose of the groups coming together. Group Work in the Classroom | Resource Pack. 2 x=@! Respected community members. Respect: We do not advise, analyze or "fix" others. Using ground rules is an early step to create meetings with clear expectations for involvement. Speak from the I perspective: Avoid speaking for others by using we, us, or them.. When the group numbers eight or more, a leader or facilitator, whether formal or informal, is almost always helpful in ensuring an effective discussion. Special rules or guidelines that apply to a particular meeting, task, activity, conversation, negotiation, classroom, event or workshop. Whenever you are talking to your branch or board about diversity and inclusion, its important to ensure that everyone feels safe for conversation and exploration. Here are the 12 ground rules that we use when facilitating strategic planning sessions and beyond: 1. Author: Lisa Hinz, Extension educator, leadership and civic engagement. Be on time and prepared for meetings. This can be done via a handout, posted on a wall, or projected on a . The group's agreement allows the leader or a group member to directly address an issue when a ground rule is not followed. Be present, and don't attend to non-meeting business. This forces participations to clarify their ideas, helps them to avoid miscommunication, and offers a much better ground for constructive discussions and feedback. Surgical Neurology, 47:400-403. Report Glitches: Discussion forums are electronic. Assume participants all have the same expectations when the group first convenes. Amherst, MA: HRD Press. Boice, R. (1996) First-Order Principles for College Teachers: Ten Basic Ways to Improve the Teaching Process (Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co.). For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. That doesnt mean you have to agree with them, but that you have to make sure that they can be expressed, and that discussion of them is respectful, even in disagreement. Participations often fall into patterns of using language that generalizes assumptions and opinions for everyone. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks focus on ideas. Support Group Ground Rules . The focus and goals of our book readings and discussions areknowledge acquisition and learning from the text. Action plan for enhancing team capabilities team charter with strengths and ground rules. Regardless of the forum, conversations about diversity and inclusion can be difficult. RESPECT another person's right to have opinions and thoughts . Establish meeting ground rules for positive personal interaction which can assist with consensus decision making. Post rules on a handout, table tent or flip chart so that they are readily available. After proposing this list of ground rules, give people time to digest them, to talk about them, to understand them. It is not necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the topic with actual facts and figures but at least the basic information on the topic will be good . Johnson, D., &Frank P.(2002). "/$D~+nJ1L /}4(Rsb` x+yMD iHQEE(Bcu`9Q9^0=3Qoh*V'Bmd`hC/fC`]U66H0Fs1(mh{*W https://instr.iastate.libguides.com/FromEquityTalkToEquityWalk, From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Book Discussion Series, Session 1 Questions: Foreword thru Chapter 2, Calling In: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable, by Ngc Loan Trn (2013), Calling In: Strategies for Cultivating Humility and Critical Thinking in Antiracism Education, by Robin DiAngelo & zlem Sensoy (2014), Calling In: A Quick Guide on When and How, by Sian Ferguson (2015), You're Gonna Screw Up, by April Hathcock (2016). A group of two or three generally doesnt need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race. "Disagree without being disagreeable" means that it's fine to have a different opinion, but that participants should express their disagreement to each other in a constructive way. University Library701 Morrill Rd If the group starts to veer in the direction of negativity and/or pointless venting, ask them how they would like to address this. All Rights Reserved. The ideal here is that other members of the group do the challenging, and it may be worth waiting long enough before you jump in to see if thats going to happen. Turn off/silence all cell phones, blackberries, etc. All too often, conflict whether conflicting opinions, conflicting world views, or conflicting personalities is so frightening to people that they do their best to ignore it or gloss it over. (1997) Clinical discussion sessions and small groups. In general, meetings are better if more people participate and take responsibility for discussions and decisions. Some facilitators keep discussions on track by listing the questions or issues they want to cover on the board or summarizing the discussion on the board as it proceeds. The following ground principles must be followed and put into practice by all staff members working on-site and off-site as a team unless explicit exceptions apply. In most group discussions, leaders who are relatively non-directive make for a more broad-ranging outlay of ideas, and a more satisfying experience for participants. Take responsibility for your own learning. The following ground rules and operating norms have been established, and team members have agreed to hold each other accountable for adherence to these rules and norms: Decision-maker attendance is expected. Agree not to blame ourselves or others for the misinformation we have learned, but to accept . Effective facilitation of a discussion involves the recognition and employment of different perspectives and different skills to create an inclusive environment. Freeman & Co.), Sellers, S.L., Roberts, J., Giovanetto, L., Friedrich, K. & Hammargren, C. (2007) Reaching All Students-A Resource for Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Second Edition) (Madison, WI: Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning). Are you a directive or non-directive leader? Then, ask if the participants have any to add. Ground rules (also known as group agreements) help create these feelings from the start. The facilitator can also restate points for verification or rejection by the participants, or give enthusiastic nonverbal cues and patience. Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. This may encourage participation by reducing participants fear of answering incorrectly. Ground rules help a group start and maintain a productive discussion. Coleman, P., Deutsch, M. and Eric C. She has to prepare the space and the setting to the extent possible; help the group establish ground rules that will keep it moving civilly and comfortably; provide whatever materials are necessary; familiarize herself with the topic; and make sure that any pre-discussion readings or assignments get to participants in plenty of time. The facilitator can take a strong position as moderator, preventing participants from interrupting each other or speaking simultaneously. Conversation ground rules can be found here. Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts Universityis designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. Leading an effective group discussion takes preparation (if you have the opportunity for it), an understanding of and commitment to an open process, and a willingness to let go of your ego and biases. G.R.O.U.P.S. Scheffert, D., Anderson, M., Anderson, S., et al. Create a new situation form a coalition, start an initiative, etc. This is true for everyone, regardless of our group (s). 2023 Group discussions are common in a democratic society, and, as a community builder, its more than likely that you have been and will continue to be involved in many of them. Then she has to guide the discussion, being careful to promote an open process; involve everyone and let no one dominate; attend to the personal issues and needs of individual group members when they affect the group; summarize or clarify when appropriate; ask questions to keep the discussion moving, and put aside her own agenda, ego, and biases. The point is made that many good group or meeting leaders are, in fact, facilitators, whose main concern is supporting and maintaining the process of the groups work. Ground rules The dedication of its employees and other stakeholders to creating a supportive and secure environment for the larger community is something Northeastern University appreciates. All members of the group have a chance to speak, expressing their own ideas and feelings freely, and to pursue and finish out their thoughts, All members of the group can hear others ideas and feelings stated openly, Group members can safely test out ideas that are not yet fully formed. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of such cookies. Do group members want to be called on or would they like to speak freely? Ground rules clarify expectations for behavior in the meeting. The group's size and purpose can determine how ground rules are set. It emphasizes process (the consideration of ideas) over product (specific tasks to be accomplished within the confines of the meeting itself. Reframing - The focus can be on clarifying the assumptions behind the persons argument and then inviting her or him to see alternative possibilities. Your transparency will encourage others. What is said in the group, stays in the group. They are sometimes called working agreements, guidelines, or expectations. You might choose to lead a group discussion, or you might find yourself drafted for the task. Identify missing data. Alternatively, you may wish to reframe their comments, making them viable additions to the discussion. Generate an agenda or goals for the session. Silence can be an indication of thought and process. hold people back if they are dominating the conversation. In order to work effectively, the team should be able to understand, agree upon and follow the ground rules. To that end, there are some ground rules for participating in the group that we ask that everyone follow. If participants are simply trying to embarrass the facilitator, they may seek to make him or her defensive with such comments as, How do you really know that? or Youre not really saying that? Such questions can be handled by playing boomerang. Feito, J. "Recognize the difference between opinions and informed knowledge. Ground rules help a group start and maintain a productive discussion. Take responses and add them to the list. Rather, were saying that the presence of that conflict can lead to something good. Each sessionwill be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Do your best to be open and honest during discussions. A representative . Establishing ground rules Providing a common basis for understanding Creating a framework for the discussion that maintains focus and flow Including everyone Being an active facilitator Summarizing discussion and gathering student feedback Handling issues that involve the instructor's identity University resources Identifying a clear purpose The discussion stays focused on the issue at hand. The ultimate comfort, and one that breaks down barriers among people, is that of eating and drinking. Sometimes we are tempted to begin formulating what we want to say in response, instead of giving 100 percent of our focus to the speaker. Encourage people to consider their comments seriously, and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees. stream Iowa State University of Science and Technology Ground rules are standards set by a team to help them function in the future. You might present an agenda for approval, and change it as the group requires, or you and the group can create one together. A good group discussion leader has to pay attention to the process and content of the discussion as well as to the people who make up the group. Establish ground rules: Share personal experiences rather than make general statements about groups of people (stereotyping). Health professionals and health educators. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material beforehand. For further guidance on developing . Be candid but respectful. (4th edition). Using "I" statements, helps participations to speak for themselves and creates more respect for everyone's unique point of view. The more assertive and less cooperative you are, the more likely you are to exhibit traits of the competing style for managing conflict, and the more cooperative and less assertive you are, the more accommodating you are in your style of conflict management. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. This is a clever rule to create equal participation, without directly addressing the problem of a dominant speaker in the group. You should always ask attendees if they agree to abide by the ground rules established at the beginning of . 3. Another approach is to break down the group into still smaller task groups. Ask for clarification if unclear about a participants intent or question. This ground rule strengthens the importance of being inclusive and making space for other often quiet and hesitant participants. A variety of points of view are put forward and discussed, The discussion is not dominated by any one person, Arguments, while they may be spirited, are based on the content of ideas and opinions, not on personalities, Even in disagreement, theres an understanding that the group is working together to resolve a dispute, solve a problem, create a plan, make a decision, find principles all can agree on, or come to a conclusion from which it can move on to further discussion. Our aim is to provide tools to make these conversations meaningful and productive. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension. Think of the meetings you have participated in over the past year. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions. If it doesnt, you can essentially say, Thats wrong, and I wont allow that kind of talk here, which may well put an end to the remarks, but isnt likely to change anyones mind. Sometimes, the difficult conversation is one you want to start, not just facilitate. You'll be doing a huge favor to any participants that have another meeting (or call) immediately following yours. Not being afraid to admit your own ignorance or confusion if you dont know something invite others to provide resources, and use the opportunity to discuss with the group how one might go about researching the issue. Participants or students who attack often want attention, so simply giving them some recognition while firmly moving on often takes care of the problem. Team Work PowerPoint. The Best Conflict Resolution Books in 2023. University of Queensland: Designing Culturally Inclusive Environments, accessed July 2008. www.tedi.uq.edu.au/cdip, The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Course Development Funds for Remote-accessible (REM) Courses, Graduate Student Proctorship in Academic Administration, Seminar for Transformation Around Anti-Racist Teaching, Sheridan-RISD Museum Collaborative Workshop Series, Guidelines for Assessing Student Learning, A Guide to the Writing Support (WSUP) Flag for Faculty, http://academics.georgiasouthern.edu/ijsotl/v1n1/feito/ij_feito.htm, What do the participants bring to the group? If youre asked a direct question, you might want to answer it if its a question of fact and you know the answer, and if its relevant to the discussion. Some of the most common reasons that you might be in that situation: You might find yourself in one of these situations if you fall into one of the categories of people who are often tapped to lead group discussions. Give all participants a voice- at the start highlight the value of a diversity of perspectives as an essential part of the process. Strickland, Tessa, Kate DePalma, and David Dean. Playground Rules Posters. Use certain conventions or language that will exclude certain groups from understanding the context of the discussion, or make them feel uncomfortable. 5. A group of parents meets to wrestle with their feeling that their school district is shortchanging its students. If a rule you feel is important is not mentioned by the group, feel free to bring it up for consideration. Stopping and asking a participant to summarize where the discussion is at the point it appears to go off track may also help. This resource can be used to lead a group discussion about developing ground rules for how primary care team members communicate with each other. Work Smart & Start Smart Salary Negotiation Training, National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, 1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005, Guidelines for Discussing Difficult or High-Stakes Topics, Creating Brave Conversations about Diversity and Inclusion at Work, Heres how we can discuss diversity and inclusion without confrontation, How to Start the Conversation about Diversity & Inclusion, 5 Tips for productive conversations about diversity, How to Start the Conversation about D&I in 2020, Effective Workplace Conversations on Diversity, How to Have that Tough Conversation about Diversity and Inclusion, Fun Activities to Spark Conversations about Racial Diversity, Diversity and Inclusion in the College Classroom, Diversity & Inclusion: Starting the Conversation, 6 Practical Diversity and Inclusion Activities You Can Start Today, 5 Diversity and Inclusion Activities to Build Belonging on Teams. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and caf. 2. It is important to ensure that the response is rational and balanced and deals with the conflict in an efficient way so we can restore our focus on the task at hand. Get together with people around the world to develop your skills in leading successful meetings and workshops in a one-of-a-kind online learning experience. Its less formal, and may have no time constraints, or structured order, or agenda. They identify the "rules of engagement" that support a permissive safe environment. 5. Stay mentally and physically present. Empower your team by reminding them that they have permission to: ask . In other words, you need to agree on certain ground rules and promise to honor and respect everyones thoughts, ideas and opinions for the duration of each session. 1. Thinking Hats Questions Prompt Frame. The notes might also include a summary of conclusions that were reached, as well as any assignments or follow-up activities that were agreed on. Normally, we do this in reverse. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. Explain the topic. (1). These Ground Rules are not static and continue to be refined over timeparticularly as we seek to decenterexpectations of "comfort" andsilence asstrategies for non-engagement. Your performance is as good as your preparation. If youre asked your opinion directly, you should answer honestly. Treat participants with respect and consideration. Create an inclusive environment. 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